We have developed a wide range of matrix switch till 24 inputs and 24 out puts.


Radio bay for miltary sector
Over the years, the microwaves research & development of AMD-GROUP has become a priviliged partner of french and european industries offices.
In addition, our experience and the flexibility of our team makes us reactive and considerably reduces our completion times.
Blocking matrix
The below shematic shows an example of a 3x3 non blocking matrix. It is built with power dividers on the inputs and switches on the outputs.
Each input signal is split to all output switches. This configuration provides greater switching flexibility because you can have multiple output ports connected to the same input port at the same time.
Non-blocking Matrix
The below schematic shows an example of a 3x3 blocking matrix. It is built with switches on both the output ports.
Each output port can only be connected to a single input port. Also, each input port can only be connected to a single output port.
This configuration maximizes the isolation between ports and minimizes the insertion loss of the system.

Handover test system
The below schematic shows an example of a standard 4x2 handover test system. Every possible path from antenna to terminal has its own programmable attenuator.
With this configuration the simulation of signal fading can be achieved. With Ethernet and USB control, we can provide you with the remote commands to simplify you test setup such as Handover,Variable Handover, Fade Attenuator and Pause.
Transceiver test system
The below schematic shows an example of a standard 3 port transceiver test system. Every possible path from port to port has its own programmable attenuator, so you can simulate changing distance in a network. With this configuration you can vary the attenuation between radios.
With Ethernet and USB control, we can provide you with the remote commands to simplify your test setup such as Handover.
Variable Handover; Fade Attenuator and pause.

Buildup chassis test set
The SYS14002 and SYS14002-1 modular chassis are capable of hosting respectively 6 and 12 module of 3U7F.
Those units hold inside a control to connect the system to a computer bu USB or Ethernet protocol.